Friday, April 18, 2014

Thoughts of the poet, sleep deprived

Note: For this assignment we had oose a sentence or short passage from your newspaper to complete a homoconsonantism. In this form, the sequence of consonants in a source text is kept, while all its vowels are replaced. For example:
ORIGINAL: To be or not to be: that is the question. 
CONSONANTS ONLY: T b r n t t b t t s t h q s t n
FINAL PRODUCT: As burnt tibia: it heats the aqueous tone.

After quite a few stops and starts, on topics from chickens to the horrible South Korean sailing disaster (Prayers go up all involved), I finally chose part of this article title.  Much gratitude to the vowels removed text generator.  This poem itself went through a few transformations before  arriving in it's final state.  It started out very anti-male, then it became very tomboyish, and it landed on revolution- on of my favorite subjects.  I was ultimately left with "M_n d_n__s p_t c_lt_v_t__n" to work with.

Source Serreze, Mary. "Worthington Man denies pot cultivation" Springfield Republican [Springfield] April  18, 2014: A-1 and A-5. E-Edition.

Mind wonders.
Plot Celt revolution.

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