Friday, April 4, 2014


Note: This is a Fibonacci (variation) found poem.  I discovered the form via the Oulipost project.  It's my new favorite thing.  For a full description of the form, please read the post below.  I kept all the punctuation accept one quotation mark and only added the ellipsis. 

Source: Eric Goldscheider. "Fascinating mystery" Daily Hampshire Gazette [Northampton] April  4, 2014: A-1 and A-6. Print.   

are… are… are…
They are…
rusty blackbirds are…
and bold eyebrows.  Females are…
identify “hot spots” were the rusty blackbirds are…
the resting places these birds seek out have common have common
     characteristics.  Ultimately we are


  1. Nice one Martina...especially like "and bold eyebrows/ Females are..." very clever...

  2. This is amazingly coherent for a Fibonacci poem! In these orts of poems, the choices the poet makes for line breaks and punctuation seems to be the key, and yours looks absolutely perfect "on the page."
